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XJedi FORUM: Online lightsaber fighting game > Наша галактика > Наша галактика > Events
1, 2, 3
  1. Правила розділу (1 )
  2. Автоматизована система Офіційних Дуелей (14 )
  3. Snowfall vs. Slod (0 )
  4. Team 3x3 RJKL Cup 2021 (0 )
  5. Galactic Empire vs Death Cult (9 )
  6. Rui vs. Dizaster-Sharp (0 )
  7. Empire vs Order of Anfor (12 )
  8. Empire vs Mandalorians (2 )
  9. Galactic Empire vs Republic (9 )
  10. +Death Cult vs Anfor (3 )
  11. Training Death cult'a (2 )
  12. +Death Cult vs Spectres (0 )
  13. Spectres vs. Republic (5 )
  14. Galactic Empire vs Spectres (10 )
  15. Bad Company vs Death Cult (4 )
  16. Chancellor vs. Emperor (6 )
  17. Galactic Empire vs Mandalorians (2 )
  18. Galactic Empire vs Republic (2 )
  19. Republic vs. Mandalorians (7 )
  20. Alive Cult vs Galactic Empire (1 )
  21. Galactic Empire vs Spectres (13 )
  22. Mandalorians vs Republic (2 )
  23. Galactic Empire vs Czerka (2 )
  24. Alliance vs. Death Cult (10 )
  25. Новорічний квест 2020! (-- )
  26. Прекрасный турнир (14 )
  27. Выбираем следующий event (5 )
  28. Crimson Moon vs. Death Cult (8 )
  29. Битва за Храм: Возрождение традиций (2 )
  30. Crimson Moon vs. Desert Legion (13 )
  31. Desert Legion vs +Death Cult (16 )
  32. Desert Legion vs +Death Cult (0 )
  33. Republic vs Empire (4 )
  34. +Death Cult vs. Empire (1 )
  35. +Death Cult vs. Warborn (3 )
  36. +Death Cult vs. Horde (1 )
  37. +Death Cult vs. Sith Empire (2 )
  38. Sith Empire vs Warborn (12 )
  39. Star Anarchy vs Order Of Anfor (8 )
  40. Sith Empire vs Star Anarchy (4 )
  41. Jedi Order vs. Order Of Anfor (4 )
  42. Violent vs Anfor (1 )
  43. WARBORN vs all (10 )
  44. Вторжение на Набу (1 )
  45. Empire vs Anfor (6 )
  46. Empire vs Republic (2 )
  47. WARBORN vs Republic 2.0 (3 )
  48. Republic vs. Sith Order (5 )
  49. Republic vs. Empire (4 )
  50. Sith Order vs Empire (2 )
  51. Empire vs. Anfor (3 )
  52. Order of Anfor vs Outcast (1 )
  53. Stars vs Sly's team (0 )
  54. Temple Of Lords Battle (0 )
  55. CTF\Siege (7 )
  56. Empire vs Black Sun (4 )
  57. Republic vs. Outcast (1 )
  58. Empire vs. Outcast (0 )
  59. Empire vs. Republic (4 )
  60. Empire vs Mandalorians (3 )
  61. Mandalorians vs Order of Anfor (1 )
  62. Order of Ancient Force vs Black Sun (3 )
  63. Битва за храм (33 )
  64. First Order–Resistance conflict(42,000 CUAG) (2 )
  65. Чорне Сонце проти Стар Груп (6 )
  66. Black Sun vs. DS (3 )
  67. +Death Cult vs. Black Sun (12 )
  68. +Death Cult vs. Order of Anfor (4 )
  69. WARBORN vs Black Sun (5 )
  70. WARBORN vs Death Cult (8 )
  71. Death Cult vs Galactic Empire (10 )
  72. Чорне Сонце викликає Анфор (11 )
  73. Mandalorians vs Republic (2 )
  74. Mandalorians vs Empire (5 )
  75. Morgana vs Speak (8 )
  76. WARBORN vs Disciples (4 )
  77. WARBORN vs Star Group (1 )
  78. WARBORN vs Mandalorians (4 )
  79. WARBORN vs Galactic Empire (4 )
  80. WARBORN vs Order Of Anfor (4 )
  81. WARBORN vs Republic (5 )
  82. DS vs DC (5 )
  83. Black Sun vs. DS (27 )
  84. Black Sun vs. Republic (53 )
  85. Republic vs Galactic Empire (9 )
  86. MAN vs DS (6 )
  87. Black Sun vs. DC (3 )
  88. Black Sun vs. Anfor (5 )
  89. Black Sun vs. Emp (11 )
  90. Black Sun vs. MAN (21 )
  91. [OB] Star Warriors vs Black Sun (9 )
  92. Dammer VS Darth Thanaton (10 )
  93. [OB] Star Warriors vs Disciples (7 )
  94. Star Group vs Empire (7 )
  95. Black Sun vs. random clan (0 )
  96. Schism (82,000 CUAG) (3 )
  97. Bad Santa vs Mandico (8 )
  98. [OB] Star Warriors vs clan2 (5 )
  99. Xer's Campaigns (20,000 CUAG) (2 )
  100. Black Sun vs. SW (1 )
  101. Age of Rakata (2 )
  102. Black Sun vs. Lols (0 )
  103. [War] ENTENTE vs Galactic Empire (1 )
  104. Sentra vs Firetrap (1 )
  105. Moon Light vs Firetrap (4 )
  106. [OB] Star Group vs Empire (2 )
  107. team2009 vs Empire (5 )
  108. Leony vs. Aristotle (1 )
  109. quick vs dammer (3 )
  110. Speak vs Shardy. (2 )
  111. Shardian vs Firetrap (9 )
  112. Shardian vs Cavo (10 )
  113. Shardian vs Limster (0 )
  114. Shardian vs Murky (6 )
  115. Firetrap vs Speak (5 )
  116. Shardian vs Cappie (2 )
  117. Black Sun vs. Empire (9 )
  118. Galactic Empire vs Republic (8 )
  119. Galactic Empire vs Black Sun (1 )
  120. Empire vs Black Sun (4 )
  121. Black Sun vs Guardians of the Galaxy (3 )
  122. [OB] Guardians of the Galaxy vs Star Warriors (8 )
  123. [OB] Guardians of the Galaxy vs Empire (5 )
  124. Star Warriors vs Anfor (10 )
  125. Star Warriors vs GG (1 )
  126. Order of Anfor vs Republic (3 )
  127. Star Warriors vs Empire (5 )
  128. Order of Anfor vs Black Sun (6 )
  129. Galactic Empire vs. Republic (21 )
  130. SW vs Rep (15 )
  131. Anfor vs Star Group (2 )
  132. Sparco vs Sneyking (4 )
  133. Order of Anfor vs Galactic Empire (4 )
  134. BS vs SW (9 )
  135. KoD vs WoD (7 )
  136. BS vs REP (5 )
  137. Black Sun vs Anfor (5 )
  138. Black Sun vs SG (1 )
  139. Black Sun vs. Empire (8 )
  140. SW vs Emp (7 )
  141. Star Warriors vs Black Sun (13 )
  142. Star Warriors vs Anfor (5 )
  143. Black Sun vs. Empire (6 )
  144. Stunning vs Rock (7 )
  145. Omnik vs Freedomix (10 )
  146. Forget Me Not vs Stunning (7 )
  147. Stunning vs Iwestik (5 )
  148. sparco versus Iwestik (3 )
  149. Star Warriors vs WoD (5 )
  150. SW vs Empire (9 )
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