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> Rules & Timetable, Intergalactic Tournament 2015
post 26.8.2015, 0:57
Пост #1
Репутація:   194  
Level 1
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A.JA.: (0)
З нами з: 26.5.2009
VIP Holocron
Відкриває доступ до заповнених серверів XJedi Academy.
Дає 50% знижки на створення Офіційних Битв.
Дає 50% знижки при купуванні зброї і спорядження на серверах XJedi Academy.
Дає 25% знижки при купуванні XJA-кольорів
Зменшує абонплату свого клану на стандартному тарифі
Wookie crossbow
У Вашому інвентарі тепер завжди буде арбалет вукі.
Якщо ворог сховався за стінкою і його не дістати - не біда. Правильні розрахунки арбалет-стрільця приб'ють негідника рикошетом.
Verpine's Trick
Special: steals enemy armor shield by one hit and adds 50% of it to saber owner!

Меч був створений джедаєм-вигнанцем, що належав до раси верпінів - комахоподібних розумних істот з астероїдних полів Роше. Верпіни ще з часів Старої Республіки славилися своїми технічними винаходами, зокрема найпотужнішими персональними енергетичними щитами. Творець цього меча зміг пережити Наказ 66 і сховатись на просторах Галактики. Хто зна, чи й не завдяки хитрому пристрої, який через промінь світлового меча викачував енергію зі щитів ворога.

1. General

1.1. Normal rules are in effect during the Tournament.

1.2. Tournament organizers (Stark, Xsilian) and the administration reserves the right to modify the current rules.

13. All the contradictions and ambiguous situations are resolved, in descending order of priority, by: a) organizers; b) administrators / judges; c) coordinators; g) players voting.

1.4.1. Just before and during the tournament a special coordinators team will take action. Their main task is to monitor compliance with regulations, minimizing potential delays and organizational problems. Coordinators will be enlisted later in this post.

1.4.2. Coordinator's orders are obligatory, their violation or neglection will be equated to tournament rules violation and consequences will be appropriate.

2. Regulation

2.1. Players must strictly follow the schedule of the tournament and be present at all events to which they have applied.

2.2. Organizers and coordinators are in charge of players' compliance with the schedule. They maintain case by case control.

2.3. Delay of gameplay for more than 2 minutes (once) or 5 minutes (total) regardless of the form or cause is considered a violation of schedule. Take care of all possible problems in advance.

2.4. Violators lose any right to prolong the delay and will be replaced by a reserve player as soon as they cause any further gameplay pause. After that, renewal on the Tournament is only possible with the consent of a) a coordinator / organizer that performed the substitution, and b) reserve player that replaced the violator, and no earlier than the beginning of the next round (phase).

3. Chat

3.1. Use of global chat during the game process is prohibited.

3.2. Red color (^1) will be used by organizers for important announcements. Take care of that, so during the Tournament you don't press any ^1 bind by accident. Violation of this rule leads to silence on Tournament server(s).

3.3. If you need to urgently inform admins about something, use the console command /amsay <text>; for organizers use Private chat (Key "." by default).

4. Gameplay

4.1. It is forbidden for UAG (xjedi community) players to use any functional advantages of a registered UAG member, if they are available (command /buy, VIP-swords, VIP-skins, etc.). If you notice that a player is violating the rule, please contact any organizer or coordinator immediately.

4.2. It is prohibited to deliberately delay the game process using remote places that are hard to reach, going "into" textures or using unforeseen map drawbacks.
To add, it's forbidden to hold the hangar elevator at mp/siege_hoth so it won't go down.

4.3. The tournament provides standard terms for each stage (such corresponding their analogues on existing XJedi servers).

4.4. Following weapons/force config will be used:
  - CS mode: No weapons; Only Push/Pull force powers.
  - CTF mode: All weapons, except Rocket launcher, Repeater and Concussion; All force powers, except Heal and Drain.
  - TFFA mode: No weapons; Only Push force power.


The Tournament will be held on 29th and 30th of August 2015 and will consist of the following stages:

   August 29, Saturday. The tournament begins at 18:00 EFF time, players gathering at 17:50.
  1. Battle Command
Predefined team pairs (one from UAG and one from EFF) subsequently play three stages: 10 rounds of Counter-Strike gamemode (map - Yavin Hilltops); 10 flags on CTF gamemode (map - Coruscant Streets); one round (30 minutes) of classic Team FFA (map - Vjun Setinel).
The winner team is determined by the number of total points gained in all stages. Different point multipliers are applied for every mode: CS - x1, CTF - x0.01, TFFA - x0.3.

   August 30, Sunday. The tournament begins at 18:00 EFF time, players gathering at 17:50.
  2. Siege Rush
The teams play two rounds on standard siege maps: Hoth and Korriban, one round for Assault, one round for Defense.
The winners are determined by counting the total time of the assault/effective defense time, namely (time_spent_defending minus assault_accomplishment_time).
  3. Droidball!
Teams play four games (two for team Red, one for team Blue) lasting 30 minutes each.
One scored ball equals to 10 frags. The winner team is determined by overall score (frags + 10x balls scored)

Якщо ви знайшли в тексті помилки будь-якого характеру, прошу повідомляти мене про них в ПМ :)

Цю повідомину відредагував Stark: 28.8.2015, 11:49
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